A body builder’s out-of-this-world body - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue A body builder’s out-of-this-world body is ASTEROID.

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Clue Length Answer
What body builder might use to get heavenly body 8 ASTEROID
the nose’, the answer to the clue of 15d, reminded me of one of the days of 1974 when studying in Class IX I came across in a poetry book the lines, “With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide” in a poem entitled, ‘All the world’s a stage’ by William Shakespeare, which later on, was found by me to be a speech of Jacques in his play ‘As You Like It’. ‘All the world’s a stage’ is regarded as one of the best speeches written by the poet laureate of Europe. 1 P
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Over enthusiastic body-builder with big pecs? Possibly old 8 CHESTNUT
Woefully gaunt bottom lost by weakling turned body-builder 4 ALAS
Snack — hopeless ultimately for giving to famous body-builder? 6 SARNIE
Maybe builder’s rear comes out of outfit 3 TEA