Annoyed no litres required - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Annoyed no litres required is NEEDED.

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Clue Length Answer
a Moaned, beginning to get annoyed about signs of doziness (8)
Start with the first letter (beginning) of Get, add a synonym of annoyed, containing the two letters cartoonists use to indicate doziness.
Annoyed at losing the line required 6 NEEDED
Required to host 50, annoyed 7 NEEDLED
Untidy woman in low bar was first to drink litres 11 DISHEVELLED
Spread of food with litres for drinking 5 FLARE
Old boy’s drunk malt whiskey, putting away litres 10 WYKEHAMIST
Not regarded with approval, tasteless, litres thrown out 13 OUT OF FAVOUR