Appear in an excited state after parade - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Appear in an excited state after parade is SHOW UP.

Our answers come from our database of more than 700,000 crossword clues incorporating clues seen in crossword puzzles in the New York Times, The Telegraph and other publications.

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Clue Length Answer
Appear on parade with nothing and lose heart? 12 FALL IN LOVE
Appear so excited about old TV show 10 SOAP OPERA
Appear so excited about nothing in TV drama 10 SOAP OPERA
Head of state against appearing in parade 7 MONARCH
French denizen (not new) is excited, wildly excited  8 FRENZIED
Run off in polished stilettos after parade? 26 SHOW A CLEAN PAIR OF HEELS
Discrimination in hit parade after a fashion 9 APARTHEID