Around end of dinner, food served includes anunhealthy-looking cake - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Around end of dinner, food served includes anunhealthy-looking cake is DANISH PASTRY.

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Clue Length Answer
FIELD (retrieve a ball for example), FARE (food). Another frustrating clue. Unless you know the bird, which I didn’t, it’s a matter of guessing between FARE, CAKE, PÂTÉ, BAKE or whatever else comes to mind as food. None of them sounded like a bird to me! 1 D
Detecting a fuss about order, dinner is served! 15 COME AND GET IT
Twelve ducks served in middle of dinner 4 NOON
Yummy wing in what’s served for dinner? 6 DELISH
Copyright it, provided it’s served before dinner 8 APERITIF
Acting quietly, get dinner served 10 PRETENDING
TV dinner served to eager traveller, perhaps 9 PREPACKER