As if failed, company in state of disorder - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue As if failed, company in state of disorder is FIASCO.

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Clue Length Answer
d Swerve stag maybe when do’s start is changed to five (4)
You don’t know the angst this clue caused me yesterday, but I basically failed to swap  the start of Do from a Stag or Deer and replace it with the Roman numeral for Five. I didn’t see the critter and failed to swerve. I would show the pics but I dont think even those with Muntjac problems would like them.
State failed doctor in Irish country 10 EAST TIMOR
Lots without leader would embrace roguish state of disorder 7 ANARCHY
Removes fascist, once in a state of disorder 11 CONFISCATES
Starts to take over, like coalition in Iraq, in state of disorder 7 TOUSLED
State of disorder in Bombay port, newly built-up 7 ENTROPY
Bridge, in whatever state of disorder 7 ANARCHY