The most likely answer to the crossword clue Badgers bring in new disease, ultimately infecting us is IMPORTUNES.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Parasite infecting cattle, reverse of ideal with newborn ones | 7 | BABESIA |
Infecting one’s leg with iodine — and, sadly, no GP around | 9 | POISONING |
Compound starts to affect me, infecting nerve endings | 5 | AMINE |
Parasite in spleen infecting pet (6-2) | 9 | HANGER-ON |
As eg badgers do around corner, at least initially | 9 | NOCTURNAL |
Men with guns go after alien group of badgers and the like | 8 | ETCETERA |
Reportedly intended to fill hills with badgers | 8 | TORMENTS |