Bird’s places for putting some wool, say - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Bird’s places for putting some wool, say is GREENSHANK.

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Clue Length Answer
Wife putting out extra cotton wool 7 WADDING
Just like Washington, say, putting parking above providing places to live? 12 PRESIDENTIAL
Places in India surrounded by places to the north 5 SITES
a Projected suffering after boozing in different places (8)
If you were suffering after boozing you may feel a bit like Oscar Split 4,4 and put the two words in different places and you are projected, rather like The Shambles in York. Never seen that quiet since the Harry Potter mob moved in.
Lie on wool, say 5 FIBRE
Cotton wool is lethal to some extent 5 LISLE
Doctor goes round country for some wool 6 MERINO