British crowd returned device for detonation - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue British crowd returned device for detonation is BOMB.

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Clue Length Answer
Buffet guy in Basra with detonation 9 SALAD BAR
Detonation 4 BANG (+ 5 answers)
a Rubbish set alight by crowd (8)
Set alight from a ship or plane perhaps, by to crowd an object to its capacity, a place where ones rubbish is disposed of. (Thanks RD)
Anti-personnel device – one burnt furiously, restricting revolutionary crowd 12 NEUTRON BOMB
Bachelor behind the crowd uprising follows the fumes of an explosive device 10 SMOKE BOMB
To gather, crowd returned 4 MEET
Dull crowd returned shell 7 BOMBARD