Child’s brought in near the end of today - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Child’s brought in near the end of today is TONIGHT.

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thought today’s crossie was up to the usual standard we’ve come to expect on a Monday but was at the rather easy end of the spectrum.  I got ten of the acrosses and all but two of the downs on first pass so * seems about right for the difficulty level.  There are six full anagrams and two other clues that involve an anagram so there’s plenty of ways into the puzzle.  I don’t think many of you will need any hints today. 1 A
Odd — unlike today’s grid — but like today’s solution, you might say? 9 ECCENTRIC
Mountainous region today with dead end stopping girl 9 SNOWDONIA
No end of justice for Spooner? Not today! 9 CUT SHORT
Today, after end of blizzards, phone for appropriate vehicle? 10 SNOWMOBILE
Not quite there, as tomorrow’s news is by end of today? 7 UNREADY
Not a vessel for spirits? Near, near 4 IMPS