College major, familiarly - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue College major, familiarly is PSYCH.

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Clue Length Answer
A Republican conservative has finally quit his college major (3, 7) 10 ARTHISTORY
Imagine college, University College, worried about person in office 11 HALLUCINATE
Familiarly, wheels stick and make a harsh noise 6 JAMJAR
Pound of muscle protein, with pound brought down under Callaghan, familiarly (5-7) 7 JIMMY O
Wormwood Scrubs, perhaps — or what it’s familiarly known by? 8 NICKNAME
Mr Fawlty familiarly adopting a South African title 4 BAAS
Car part collected in metropolis, familiarly 10 BRAKE DRUM