The most likely answer to the crossword clue Cooked sliced ham about right for a December festival is CHILDERMAS.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Finish off ham, say, first sliced off | 3 | EAT |
Cooked sliced potato ring in dip | 7 | SCALLOP |
Tribe leader right to tuck into cooked ham pie | 7 | EPHRAIM |
Not a ham, as ham might be supplied for immoral acts | 8 | PROCURED |
This corn one twice cooked with ham? | 10 | HISTRIONIC |
Port and Irish ham cooked with nothing in | 9 | HIROSHIMA |
Spooner’s “inn loaf” must be cooked ham (3-12) | 16 | NON-PROFESSIONAL |