Crustacean in pub clean when cooked - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Crustacean in pub clean when cooked is BARNACLE.

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Likely related crossword clues

Clue Length Answer
Tiny crustacean: a few later cooked 10 WATER FLEA
Crustacean that’s yet to be cooked in case of poison 5 PRAWN
Later, a few cooked crustacean 10 WATER FLEA
Auditor to clean one state that’s clean 8 CLINICAL
Once broken into, pub has time to get clean 8 INNOCENT
Lacking knowledge of course (not cooked, hardly cooked), with no starters 7 UNAWARE
Crustacean’s shortened tongue put out, briefly 9 LANGOUSTE