The most likely answer to the crossword clue Digger’s spades and clubs found by shack (5-6) is STEAM-SHOVEL.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Leave queen, maybe spades? Not spades! | 4 | QUIT |
Picks clubs and hearts, having zero diamonds and spades | 7 | CHOICES |
Went on and on after spades and clubs mixed up | 9 | SCRAMBLED |
Picks clubs and hearts over diamonds and spades | 7 | CHOICES |
Spooner’s wire covered by pitch where hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds are used. | 10 | CARD TABLE |
Approach shown by skilled players, doubling clubs and spades | 6 | ACCESS |
Bridge player to gradually shift spades and clubs | 6 | WEDGES |