Enjoy view in common area gardened regularly - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Enjoy view in common area gardened regularly is AGREE.

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Clue Length Answer
Mad to have gardened in a storm 8 DERANGED
Took time off and gardened outside, working daily 9 HOLIDAYED
Image software provides ways to enjoy view 15 PICTURE WINDOWS
is a nice straightforward crossword today, although some will be disappointed by it, new cruciverbalist’s should enjoy it. From a personal point of view a number of weak cryptic definitions made this crossword a bit of a let down. As usual comments are appreciated, and please let us know how much you actually liked or disliked it by voting. 1 A
Lawyer regularly stopping ruin – a common area 8 DAY ROOM
Head off common ailment with view shaped by outdated example of folk wisdom 14 OLD WIVES TALE
Meow and start to enjoy cat milk, regularly put out: it’s placed by front door 11 WELCOME MAT