The most likely answer to the crossword clue Enrage church hemmed in by pubs close to centre is INCENSE.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Girl knocked over, having been hemmed in by close cow | 10 | INTIMIDATE |
Not entirely friendly, lorry almost hemmed in | 9 | PARTIALLY |
Drifts round, hemmed in by sheep | 5 | ROAMS |
Hemmed in by protest, a Tory is one prepared to leave things behind | 8 | TESTATOR |
Complaint from Queen on street hemmed in by motorists | 6 | ASTHMA |
Hemmed in by youngsters, great man falls apart, broken | 11 | FRAGMENTARY |
Record-keeper in golf hemmed in by a stirrer, deplorably | 9 | REGISTRAR |