Form of SATs bandied about in these? - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Form of SATs bandied about in these? is STAFFROOMS.

Our answers come from our database of more than 700,000 crossword clues incorporating clues seen in crossword puzzles in the New York Times, The Telegraph and other publications.

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Clue Length Answer
Demonstrating in favour of SATs? 10 PROTESTING
State schools must chase SATs 13 MASSACHUSETTS
Periods where Fry’s sons choose SATS, some say 4 DAYS
Frequent points are bandied about 9 PATRONISE
Extremely shocking for tenor hearing threats bandied about (5-10) 16 EARTH-SHATTERING
Walking tour, with pain and blame bandied about 13 PERAMBULATION
The tales bandied about by sportsmen 8 ATHLETES