Gelatinous substance produced by a fish more than once (4-4) - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Gelatinous substance produced by a fish more than once (4-4) is AGAR-AGAR.

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Clue Length Answer
Gelatinous substance from a fish? A fish! (4-4) 4 AGAR
A sort of fish repeatedly put into gelatinous substance 9 AGAR-AGAR
River’s northern one a gelatinous substance blocks 7 NIAGARA
Gelatinous substance in abandoned sailing ship 9 ISINGLASS
River, northern one, a gelatinous substance blocks 7 NIAGARA
A rag is returned by chief with money for some gelatinous substance (4-4) 9 AGAR-AGAR
Osmosis felt a bit easier than some of his recent puzzles. Once again, he omits eleven letters of the alphabet in his grid. I appreciated the clues more on writing up the blog than during the solve, which often happens. There are some lovely surprise definitions, and the wordplay is precise as always. Osmosis is true to the convention of ON meaning following in across clues – I remember that by thinking “added ON to”. 1 P