Hopeless days in Rome, one having left partnership - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Hopeless days in Rome, one having left partnership is DESPAIRING.

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Clue Length Answer
. . . . in Rome and 6 in Rome, fowing in Rome 5 TREVI
These days, it’s cool to pull back after being in partnership with primarily shallow principles 9 STANDARDS
In partnership, only one left trailing is abused 10 MISAPPLIED
BIGAE (two horse chariots from the time of ancient Rome> Virgil lived at the time of ancient Rome 16 Virgil’s cars)
Hero outside left understanding or seeking profitable partnership (4-7) 12 GOLD-DIGGING
Misdeeds regularly ignored in certain days in Rome 4 IDES
Plans advanced in certain days in Rome 5 IDEAS