Hours, each horrendous, where writer entertained thinker - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Hours, each horrendous, where writer entertained thinker is SCHOPENHAUER.

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Clue Length Answer
One going across wasted hours and hours getting food 4 EATS
Horrendous rates charge one received without being asked (4-7) 4 GATE
Horrendous sight was witnessed by me, it’s said 7 EYESORE
Farewell horrendous lepidoptera — none seen for ages? (6-3) 10 TOODLE-PIP
Horrendous heat burns person often seen on beach 9 SUNBATHER
Peak figure beyond horrendous at the outset 6 HEIGHT
Strand House cook claimed by horrendous death peril 15 ADELPHI THEATRE