Innkeeper’s spicy pork pie eaten by Edgar on vacation - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Innkeeper’s spicy pork pie eaten by Edgar on vacation is HOTELIER.

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Clue Length Answer
Supplied with pork without crust – one producing pork pie 6 FEDORA
Pork pie eaten by AN Other 5 ALIEN
Pork pie eaten by an extraterrestrial 5 ALIEN
Old hat (pork-pie), on vacation, worn by buffoon 6 PASSÉ
According to Edgar after vacation, a lethal snake’s encountered 6 AS PER
Innkeeper is throttled by guest on vacation — most creepy 10 GHOSTLIEST
Sticky stuff: not-too-spicy piece of pork picked up before end of course 8 BIRDLIME