It’s terrible, see, cola’s much too sweet - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue It’s terrible, see, cola’s much too sweet is CHOCOLATE MOUSSE.

Our answers come from our database of more than 700,000 crossword clues incorporating clues seen in crossword puzzles in the New York Times, The Telegraph and other publications.

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Clue Length Answer
Scientist, perhaps, attached to fizzy cola – oh, he drinks too much! 14 ALCOHOL ABUSER
“Too Much, Too Little, Too Late” duettist 6 MATHIS
The significance of the title VI Fun defeats me completely, so I will be interested to see the explanation.  The only vague thing I can see in the title is VI as the Roman numeral for 6 and there are six unclued birds.  There is the even more unlikely interpretation of VI as Vide Infra meaning ‘see below’.  Taken with the Fun bit we could have ‘See below for fun’ as being descriptive of the puzzle as a whole. 1 V
good Tuesday level Toughie puzzle from Serpent. Very amusing in parts but a little too much cycling for me and a lack of sustenance to keep me going. Those minor points pale into insignificance when 10 down is deconstructed. So much misdirection in one clue which made it a winner for me 1 S
First photo’s a sprinter, given too much too soon 14 SHOT ONES BOLT
Getting too much coverage or too little? 11 OVEREXPOSED
Signed too much, having too many clients 14 OVERSUBSCRIBED