It supplies our occupying forces - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue It supplies our occupying forces is ARMOURY.

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Likely related crossword clues

Clue Length Answer
They supply our occupying forces 9 ARMOURIES
MARENGO (reference the Battle of MARENGO which was fought on 14 June 1800 between French forces under the First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte and Austrian forces near the city of Alessandria, in Piedmont, Italy) 7 MARENGO
Is a secret national organisation opposing occupying forces 10 RESISTANCE
Forces grab our weapons  7 ARMOURY
Game British land forces shielding bomb, our hydrogen being explosive (6,2,9). 19 BEGGAR MY NEIGHBOUR
Vessels of our navy protected by our people 4 URNS
Our start and our finish perhaps, short of money? 8 CREATION