Law maker’s final words not good - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Law maker’s final words not good is SOLON.

Our answers come from our database of more than 700,000 crossword clues incorporating clues seen in crossword puzzles in the New York Times, The Telegraph and other publications.

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Clue Length Answer
Bearing on one — the law maker and the law 6 IMPACT
Mischief-maker not breaking law, it’s understood 8 IMPLICIT
Not terribly keen about final decision-maker? Precisely! 10 ON THE DOT
Not yet final, in law 4 NISI
Trouble-maker within the law without saying 8 IMPLICIT
Final blow — actors sacking a film-maker 5 KORDA
Notorious European pie maker losing final grand keeping promise 9 EGREGIOUS