The most likely answer to the crossword clue Leading Motown duo on revolutionary sort of recording is MONO.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Upset about recording – old recording having no sound | 10 | NOT A PEEP |
Debris Oscar removed from Motown, America | 8 | DETRITUS |
Very like a member of a Motown group? | 9 | SUPREMELY |
Motown star with opinion about Detroit initially in control | 13 | STEVIE WONDER |
Motown’s to lose Spielberg film rights | 6 | DROITS |
Ross, perhaps, cut disc for head of Motown? | 7 | SUPREMO |
Motown founder’s back, embraced by lady, number one in some charts? | 8 | HYDROGEN |