The most likely answer to the crossword clue Machine in the wings is the first thing seen in theatre (7-6) is CURTAIN RAISER – DD.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
One giving blast in frolic in theatre’s wings | 6 | TROMPE |
Substantial bonus opera company received, gathering in wings of theatre | 9 | PLENTEOUS |
Scenery fills empty theatre: one with wings | 6 | TSETSE |
Rook — mouldy thing with loathsome wings | 6 | CASTLE |
Two wings linked, playing a neat and simple thing | 6 | VOLVOX |
Encourage mimic seen outside theatre at first | 9 | STIMULATE |
A bee’s wings seen in strange square dance pose | 9 | ARABESQUE |