Mass erupts frenziedly to meet standards - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Mass erupts frenziedly to meet standards is PASS MUSTER.

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Clue Length Answer
Reveal girth, bolting frenziedly 14 BRING TO LIGHT
Frenziedly knocked up curry, ignoring beginning of recipe 4 AMOK
Bird needs metal cap to meet exacting standards 6 CUT IT
What diver with skin rash may do to meet required standards 18 COME UP TO SCRATCH
A quiet intermission around end of recital – then this erupts? 8 APPLAUSE
If a riot erupts, soldiers must be brought in with more reason 10 A FORTIORI
Riot erupts before relative starts to attempt this avant-garde composition 11 TRIO SONATA