Number Ten has ruined European continent’s housing - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Number Ten has ruined European continent’s housing is ANAESTHESIA.

Our answers come from our database of more than 700,000 crossword clues incorporating clues seen in crossword puzzles in the New York Times, The Telegraph and other publications.

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Likely related crossword clues

Clue Length Answer
Understanding gist of “ten, ten, ten . . .” 7 ENTENTE
Record held by once ruined city on the continent 7 COLOGNE
Temporary housing housing a northern resident 6 TENANT
Apt for housing… apt when housing five 7 LIVABLE
Temporary housing housing a new occupant 6 TENANT
Number Ten: new independent government’s Number One accepted by Queen 7 INTEGER
Ruined, ruined, but used to it 4 IURD