Old-fashioned fool interrupts gym class - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Old-fashioned fool interrupts gym class is PASSE.

Our answers come from our database of more than 700,000 crossword clues incorporating clues seen in crossword puzzles in the New York Times, The Telegraph and other publications.

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Clue Length Answer
Old-fashioned demonstration set off fire in gym 6 PREIFE
Old-fashioned clown in gym 5 PASSE
Welsh town gym? Gym’s ending with absolutely no cash 8 PEMBROKE
Fool interrupts Irish composition, which results in inflammation 8 RHINITIS
Fool, possibly mad, interrupts legendary clarinetist  7 GOODMAN
Class having old-fashioned aid for technical drawing 10 SET SQUARE
Old-fashioned leggings worn by upper-class family 5 HOUSE