The most likely answer to the crossword clue Put back in decanter, alcoholic drink is CLARET.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Served up in decanter, alcoholic drink | 6 | CLARET |
Alcoholic drink and non-alcoholic drink consumed by soccer team in the case | 11 | PORTMANTEAU |
Untruth about alcoholic drink — it’s non-alcoholic | 7 | LIMEADE |
Fib about alcoholic drink being non-alcoholic one | 7 | LIMEADE |
Spot one MP drunk with decanter | 11 | PREDICAMENT |
New decanter full of sugary fluid | 8 | NECTARED |
Decanter tray I’d let circulate with lobster | 12 | BOTTLESLIDER |