Reliable type of souvenir from Blackpool? - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Reliable type of souvenir from Blackpool? is ROCK.

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Clue Length Answer
Blackpool is known for such organs 6 LIGHTS
In Blackpool, say, where one can walk for miles? 4 PROM
Seasons in the case of Blackpool: rainy or windy! 12 LABYRINTHINE
Tot somewhere in Blackpool maybe less warm 7 NIPPIER
Second-rate ‘Strictly’ particip­ant entertaining one and all — such may offer fun at Blackpool? 11 BEACH BALLS
Head of Blackpool Zoo, bumbling buffoon 4 BOZO
Blackpool attraction — cheap reusable rock 14 PLEASURE BEACH