The most likely answer to the crossword clue Risk of standard diet originally eaten by kangaroo, after a change of heart is JEOPARDY.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Quoting “Having a change of heart”, having a change of heart. | 9 | REPENTING |
Voracious herbivores out to lunch having change of heart in place of diet | 17 | BERTHA ARMY WORMS |
Prince having change of heart, for one that’s high-risk | 5 | HAIRY |
Risk inflation? Take hour out and risk it again? | 7 | OVEREAT |
Altered diet, devouring number of crab legs left where supper is eaten | 7 | DINETTE |
Standard complaint about one on a railway regarding diet? | 13 | PARLIAMENTARY |
Put at risk X after heart transplant | 8 | THREATEN |