The most likely answer to the crossword clue Salad ingredient, root primarily, a hottie? is RADISH.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Japanese hottie lived with a Guys and Dolls fan | 6 | WASABI |
Woman not quite a hottie? That’s a bit sexist | 7 | LADDISH |
Husband’s crazy for hottie – will his wife do this? | 12 | HIT THE ROOF |
Jan, a pole dancing little hottie? | 8 | JALAPENO |
Large plant without hard root’s last hereabout displaying this clue’s root | 5 | THREE |
Salad ingredient broadcaster eats cold with over half of chips | 9 | RADICCHIO |
Salad ingredient in Parisian drinking-den | 6 | ENDIVE |