The most likely answer to the crossword clue Sharp Sound is TWANG.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
– a flat, as well as a sharp, a natural, a double sharp, a dou (that’s enough, ed), may be found on a clef | 4 | DOWN |
Sharp hit — that is right for sharp sword | 6 | RAPIER |
22’s very sharp, very sharp ultimately in test | 6 | VORPAL |
With sharp points, tip removed, still with sharp points | 6 | HORNED (+ 1 answers) |
A sharp sound conveying power, completely shocking | 9 | APPALLING |
Boy overcome by sharp sound over fence | 6 | PALING |
Laugh about blunder finally, short sharp sound | 7 | CRACKLE |