She has them shortened by a degree - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue She has them shortened by a degree is EMMA.

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Clue Length Answer
She’s a kind spirit and she’s prospering to a degree 4 PERI
Nicely shortened business degree secured by force — a walkover for entrants? 11 WELCOME MAT
Shortened many pretty skirts – this could be one of them 7 CULOTTE
tried to review this puzzle objectively, but I found that it didn’t improve on second reading. There has been some criticism from within the Telegraph camp of my approach to Excalibur’s puzzles, and I may stop reviewing them altogether (at least then I won’t have to solve them). 1 I
d Possibly 50 musicians or 100 — that guy’s creative work is revolutionary (9)
I did like this, many moons ago When Mama Bee was introducing me to crosswords she had a list of common anagrams, CARTHORSE being one of them. Start with OR from the clue add the Roman numeral for 100 a contraction of he has, and a reversal (revolutionary) of a piece of creative work, create a group of musicians who may or may not be 50 in number (possibly)
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Degree ceremony without university giving degree 9 GRADATION