Shiite leader always put on a ring, I see! - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Shiite leader always put on a ring, I see! is AYATOLLAH.

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Clue Length Answer
Shiite leader’s short agreement to Allah’s translation 9 AYATOLLAH
Post one is after is one in a Shiite sect 7 ISMAILI
The significance of the title VI Fun defeats me completely, so I will be interested to see the explanation.  The only vague thing I can see in the title is VI as the Roman numeral for 6 and there are six unclued birds.  There is the even more unlikely interpretation of VI as Vide Infra meaning ‘see below’.  Taken with the Fun bit we could have ‘See below for fun’ as being descriptive of the puzzle as a whole. 1 V
Ring, ring, ring – being incredibly tolerant to start with 5 ORBIT
Ring, ring, ring… connecting Hewlett Packard 4 HOOP
(see 12) ‘…always cunningly hinted edging — this is 359th —– year…’ (see 15) 10 DAY IN THE