Spray bound to release nitrogen - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Spray bound to release nitrogen is SPRIG.

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Likely related crossword clues

Clue Length Answer
Spray in season when nitrogen’s short 5 SPRIG
Release one light weight containing nitrogen 8 ANNOUNCE
He’s not bound to release a spy 10 FREE AGENT
. He is not bound to release a man 10 FREE AGENT
Knowing those swinging both ways bound to be high up in church (10) EDIT apparently there was a late edit ! after I’d printed off my online edition to solve. It now reads “Knowing bachelor is bound …”. How the first version got past the censor is a mystery, and who spotted the bad taste? See various comments below. 10 ARCHBISHOP
Bound, but also not bound, to be unreliable 14 FAST AND LOOSE