Staying power of English knight Mussolini managed to get imprisoned - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Staying power of English knight Mussolini managed to get imprisoned is ENDURANCE.

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Clue Length Answer
a Father cycled — managed to get confused (6)
One’s Father or Dad “cycles” the first letter to the end, and adds a synonym of managed, to become muddle-headed or confused.
Cricket side succeeded, showing staying power? 4 LEGS
Staying power enlivens without energy returning 7 STAMINA
Working out, Nat aims for staying power 7 STAMINA
Staying power needed to finish university career, gaining first in nanotechnology 9 ENDURANCE
Spurs turned up without energy or staying power 7 STAMINA
Staying power shown by the first military dictator in South America 7 STAMINA