Stuff’s possibly tax-free, before cuts - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Stuff’s possibly tax-free, before cuts is OVEREAT.

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Likely related crossword clues

Clue Length Answer
Off the record, I laid on tax cuts before 7 PRIVATE
It cuts tax, giving rise to unbecoming jocularity 6 LEVITY
European politician cuts tax, creating a storm 7 TEMPEST
Unexpectedly urge tax, end up with no cuts? 12 UNEXPURGATED
Swallow cuts in tax agreement 6 TREATY
Unavoidable tax cuts by end of day 9 NECESSARY
. Selfish aim of most Indians: to get tax breaks — ensure top-tier income tax is avoided, bottom-tier’s collected… 15 AN AXE TO GRIND