Sweet, like lots of sugar that woman is tucking into - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Sweet, like lots of sugar that woman is tucking into is CHERUBIC.

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Likely related crossword clues

Clue Length Answer
Sweet, like some sugar that woman’s put in 8 CHERUBIC
They eat lots when there’s a surplus – lots and lots (8 ) 8 GLUTTONS
, 8 What the group singing “Sugar sugar” wanted to do? 16 MAKE SWEET MUSIC
Slow mover, old, is tucking into sweet cake 8 TORTOISE
Sweet, large bit of cake – tucking into a piece for two 6 DULCET
One tucking into acorn nuts and a sweet potato 7 OCARINA
Somewhere in Yorkshire the woman’s tucking into rubbish meat 9 ROTHERHAM