This person is probing your old-fashioned food content - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue This person is probing your old-fashioned food content is THIAMINE.

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Clue Length Answer
If this exceeds your income, your upkeep will be your downfall 5 OUTGO
Old-fashioned content of treasure trove 5 RETRO
Old financial note passed on by William after question probing food 14 EXCHEQUER BILL
Name of substance once proposed for your old-fashioned Liberal 7 PROTHYL
Nick, with your old-fashioned support, is unobtrusive 8 STEALTHY
Careful – your old-fashioned clothing split 7 THRIFTY
Periods without a dad leading to your old-fashioned repugnance 8 DYSPATHY