Torch, a virtually full beam lit up - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Torch, a virtually full beam lit up is FLAMBEAU.

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Clue Length Answer
Thunderous and grey in conclusion, cumulonimbus primarily overhead? (6) I originally wanted to see “overhead” as the definition in this clue — in spite of the fact that it seemed an unsatisfactory definition. Thanks to a prompt by a commenter (thank you, ernie) I am now much more inclined to see the clue as an &lit. It may be a slightly laboured &lit. but any &lit. is a triumph. 6 CLOUDY
Complaint about beam thrown by a torch 8 FLAMBEAU
Bulb lit and lit again, one screwed in 5 ONION
Beam lit up, right shade of yellow 5 AMBER
One who makes you beam and beam 15 RAY OF SUNSHINE
Splendidly full & lit unravelled through indication 9 RADIANTLY