Vehicle broken by butcher’s van in badly neglected state - Crossword Clue

The most likely answer to the crossword clue Vehicle broken by butcher’s van in badly neglected state is LIMBO.

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Clue Length Answer
As van Helsing (as van Winkel)? 17 OUT FOR THE COUNT
Broken rattle in the middle of a food shop counter was neglected (3-7) 11 ILL-TREATED
Neglected, a French vehicle’s forced out, without a bit of compunction (7-3) 11 UNCARED-FOR
A French vehicle forced child out — poor and neglected (7-3) 11 UNCARED-FOR
Butcher’s fine cuts hit us badly 6 SHUFTI
Butcher, man with broken leg 6 MANGLE
Polished his red van badly 9 VARNISHED