The most likely answer to the crossword clue What might ornithologist see in Africa? “Redbreast”, I cry incorrectly is SECRETARY BIRD.
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Likely related crossword clues
Clue | Length | Answer |
Witchcraft needs redbreast with wings plucked off | 3 | OBI |
Redbreast by Scott, say? | 6 | TITIAN |
Examining exposed redbreast | 5 | ROBIN |
Beak funny, that is, for comedic ornithologist | 10 | BILL ODDIE |
Hawking, perhaps, is nicest organised before ornithologist’s back | 9 | SCIENTIST |
Skittish ornithologist gives warning of advance | 4 | HORN |
Twitter report perhaps by excited ornithologist not to be taken lightly | 10 | IN EARNEST |